This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jumping In

As I age, (and it is happening at an alarming rate of speed) I have to fight against my tendency to resist new ideas, new technology, new risks and just stay safe and comfortable. I have to fight against my world shrinking and my attention turning more and more inward and losing sight of a great big world that my Father loves.
For years I have prayed that the Lord would give me the heart of Caleb. At the ripe old age of 85, Caleb’s heart was still filled with the fire of a warrior. He asked Joshua to give him the hill country that he saw when he was 45. Just a word of warning - God hears and answers prayer!!
So here I am approaching 59 in April and I am setting up a blog account. God is still stirring my heart to do something for Him that will make a difference. I can already see those of you under 30 shaking your head and grinning ear to ear that I think setting up a blog is a big deal – talk to me when you are 59 and you are facing the technology of 2040.
So “Out of Control” simply means that I surrender control of my life to Jesus. He calls the shots.
Making the declaration is the easy part, but the working it out is quite a different matter. So here goes. I am jumping into the blogging world with both feet in the deep end. I have no idea what I am doing or how this works. I will eventually post pictures, dress up my blog site and do all sorts of creative things but today is just about the jump. Hoping some of you will jump with me!