This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

No Ordinary

It has been so long ago I truthfully cannot remember what crazy thing I did that caused my son to make the proclamation “Mom you are no ordinary,” but the title stuck. After that day when I would do something a little different, take the road less traveled, or just have a Judy moment, I would hear the chorus of “No Ordinary” from my family as they would shake their heads in disbelief. The title “No Ordinary” has never been offensive or any cause for concern to me. Actually, I kind of wear it as a badge of honor because I know that some of God’s greatest heroes would be on the “No Ordinary” list.
How many people have even heard of Josheb-Bashebeth the Takdemonite, Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite, or Shammah son of Agee for Harar? I came across them in 2 Samuel 23:8 (if you feel the need to verify that I am not just making up names) and they definitely make my top ten list of no ordinaries. The odds against Josheb-Bashebeth were 800 to 1 but he never missed a beat and defeated 800 men in one day. When everyone else turned tail and ran Eleazar stood his ground and fought until they had to actually pry his hand off his sword when the battle was done. Shammah waded right out into the middle of the battlefield and fought until the victory was won. You have probably never heard a sermon about these three men. They aren’t taught along with Noah, Moses, and David in children’s church and I don’t know any songs that make mention of them. They were ordinary men that were completely, wholeheartedly and dangerously surrendered and did EXTRAordinary things.
In the last few years we have witnessed our world rocked by earthquakes, ravaged by fire, floods, and tsunamis. We have had the images of men, women, and children dying due to starvation, disease, and war imprinted on our mind’s eye in living color on the nightly news. I think we would all say that God needs some No Ordinary Christ followers to take their stand against the evil in our world. There are those just like Josheb, Eleazar and Shammah that are risking everything right now for the cause of Christ. You will never hear a sermon preached about them. They will never have a book tour. You will never know their names but they are completely, wholeheartedly and dangerously surrendered to God and He is doing EXTRAordinary things through them.
As I admire those who are eactually on the world’s battlefronts and making a difference for the cause of Christ, I have the tendency to excuse myself as just ordinary Judy and I look at the odds of me being able to make a difference as astronomical. Common sense tells me that I can only fight so long and then I should just retreat, give up, and give in. Fear tells me it is way too risky and the cost of commitment too high and it is much safer on the edge of the battle. But the Spirit tells me No Ordinaries are actively engaged in the battle of good over evil. Odds play no part in their decision as to whether or not to confront evil but they heed only the call of God knowing the battle is fought in His strength. No Ordinaries never retreat, never give in and never give up until the victory is won. No Ordinaries are right in the middle of the battle withholding nothing. No Ordinaries are men and women just like you and me that God is using to do EXTRAordinary things.
To be called No Ordinary places me in the ranks of some of God’s greatest heroes and that is a lot to live up to. So today I cast aside fear and common sense and say to the Lord -. Judy, No Ordinary, reporting for duty. So what about you? Are you in a situation where the odds are against you, you have been waging war for a long time and feel like giving up, or you find yourself right in the middle of the biggest battle of your life and wonder if it would be safer just to get out of the eye of the storm and move to the edge -welcome to the ranks of the No Ordinaries. Some of God’s finest. It is time to be completely, wholeheartedly, and dangerously surrendered to God and then expect Him to do EXTRAordinary things in and through you.
Romans 12:2 (The Message) So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

"X" Very Rarely Marks the Spot

As the search for hidden treasure continued clue after clue, Brianna and Jake were collecting parts of the treasure map. The second part of the map that they found had a black “X” on it. They had spotted that black “X” painted on the grass while looking for another clue so when the map piece showing the “X” was discovered (they had a shovel from a previous clue =) they ran to the “X” and began to furiously dig only to find nothing.

They quickly turned to their grandpa and asked why the treasure was not there and his reply was to ask them what they knew about “X’s”. Their minds immediately went to that great Indiana Jones’ quote “X very rarely marks the spot.”


My earthly knowledge and understanding does not always translate well in the spiritual realm and in a lot of cases it is actually a detriment. What I think in the natural is an obvious given is often far off the spiritual map. I need to rely on God’s wisdom and not man’s wisdom.

Towards the end of this awesome treasure hunt silver was unearthed. Actually it was a baby food jar filled with quarters with this note, “Congratulations you have found some silver but if you are really brave you will go for the GOLD. They responded instantly that they would never settle for silver when gold was obtainable.


I settle way too often. Unlike my two fearless grandchildren, I am all too often content with a little of God’s goodness. The kids knew that Grandpa was with them each step of this treasure hunt. They knew they now had silver and Grandpa had said they could buy clues for $1.00 but they also knew that all along the way he had been willingly giving them free clues. There was no reason to settle. They were going for the gold. I want to go for the gold. I avoid taking risks yet after watching Jake and Brianna I wonder how big of a risk it really would be to continue.I know that God has been with me all along the way. I know that He wants me to find Him and freely gives me clues as to how and where to find Him. I know that if I go astray He will make sure I get back on the right path so the question I ask myself is - Why would I ever settle?

After some set backs, disappointments, frustrations, wrong paths taken, and steps retraced they found the buried treasure. The time Grandpa, Kyle and I spent coming up with clues, the effort to hide each clue, bury the treasure, and make sure they didn’t get completely off track was worth every minute when we saw the looks on their faces when they dug up that red Folgers coffee can filled with chocolate covered gold coins – priceless.


My final observation is that the most priceless treasure in this world is God. The good news is that He wants to be found. Why would an Almighty God go to all the trouble to come up with a plan for me to find Him? Why would He suffer and give His life on a cross? In Hebrews I am told that for the joy set before our Lord he endured the cross. I believe He did it for the joy He would see on my face when I found Him. You and I are His joy and He wants us to find Him.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

A Wild Spring Break

A Wild Spring Break

What images flash in your mind when you hear the words “spring break?” Wild college kids on a beach in Florida drinking and partying all night. Well, our spring break with three of our grandkids was not anything like that but I think it was better. About a month before the grandkids were coming down our granddaughter asked to have a treasure hunt. Now we have had Easter egg hunts before and Easter basket hunts but this would be far more elaborate and my husband and I were up for the challenge.

My husband got right to work. He began to send out advance clues. The first one was "Remember the staff of Ra?"

I will have to say that I rolled my eyes and thought you have to be kidding. Who in the world knows the answer to that? Well that would be Jake who knows all things trivial about Indiana Jones. From that moment the back and forth began. A treasure map was drawn up and then torn into four equal parts. Ten carefully worded clues were written. A piece of the map was hidden in with certain clues. By the time the kids arrived they were pumped to begin their quest for treasure. On Tuesday we had our tribal meeting where instructions were given, the first clue placed in their hands, and the command to “go” was given.

Clue one read “There once was a Grandma and Grandpa who liked to trick their grandkids. The kids thought they were smart enough to find Grandpa’s treasure map and find where Grandpa hides his valuables. (Grandpa will SELL hints for $1.00 each.)

To start the search you must think about how you can go fast without hitting a tree. Jake immediately began to run fast avoiding trees thinking that the answer would be found in the running. Brianna stood still and thought about the meaning behind the words and then her eyes lit up and she said, “go cart” and off they ran to search for a clue on the go-cart.


I can’t tell you how many times God has spoken a word of truth into my heart and mind and I immediately began to run. When I finally exhausted every avenue, I came back to God and asked where I went wrong and He has instructed me to think about the truth behind the words. So many times in scripture the Lord would speak truth to the disciples and they could not understand His words. It was only as the Lord gave insight that their eyes would light up and the truth behind the words became obvious. This is why we are told to study the word of God not just read it. We have to dwell on the word and let God reveal the meaning he has for us today. Isn’t it interesting we can read a scripture that we have read several times before and see something new and our eyes light up and we know the next step in our journey towards God.

Another clue that was given prior to the kids arriving was “Remember the Charlotte.” Once again I was completely in the dark but the kids knew it was a clue from National Treasure. Ben and Riley go to the arctic to find a ship buried in ice and take a meerschaum pipe that they find in the ship with them. It would be that pipe taken from the very first stop that at the very end of the adventure would open the door to the treasure room. This was meant to tell the kids to take everything they found hidden with them because they will need each item to help them unearth the final treasure. So when clue number six was read “Grandpa uses this to talk to people but you will use it to find your direction Jake and Brianna both knew immediately that it was Grandpa’s iphone and ran to the house to find it. The next clue was there and they grabbed it, read it, and ran in search of the next clue leaving the phone lying on the counter. They would later have to retrace their steps to get the phone so they could open the compass app to find which way was south.


All of life is like a classroom where the Lord is teaching me. Everyday I am supposed to make discoveries that will give me the tools I will need tomorrow. I need to be much more aware of what God is doing in my life and what He is teaching me. I know I have left valuable nuggets of truth and wisdom lying where I found them.

The hunt continued clue after clue and one would lead them to a trail we have on our seven acres back through some woods. They both knew immediately that Grandpa was telling them to look on trail number one. Jake ran like the wind filled with excitement and anticipation of what he would find next. Brianna simply began to walk across the yard and her comment was that she knew every inch of this property and she knew how Grandpa’s mind words. She had complete confidence that she was on the right path and headed the right way and there was no need to hurry.


I think God loves both sides of our reaction to His leading. I think He loves it when excitement and anticipation fill our hearts and minds as He opens up new ideas and new opportunities. He loves to see us hold nothing back and run to His calling. I think there are also times when He loves to see us react with a quiet and sure confidence. We know His path from reading His word. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and we know how His mind works from spending time with Him so we can move forward with confidence.

So far I have learned that God is always ahead of me, and if I am listening, He is giving me guidance for the days ahead. I have learned to wait upon the Lord to reveal the meaning behind His words to me. And third I have learned that I should respond to His call with great joy and excitement mingled with a deep and unhurried confidence that I am being directed from above. Who knew you could learn so much from a child. Well maybe Jesus. LOL

Stay tuned next Thursday for part two of our wild spring break.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fly Like an Eagle

Every year my husband and make the drive to Grafton, Illinois and spend the day watching eagles. They are so majestic and regal as they sit perched in the highest branch of a tree or as they swoop down over the Mississippi River looking for food. This year a friend sent me a link to a site that has a live web cam focused on an eagle’s nest in Iowa. By the time I found the site, there were already three eggs in the nest but from that moment I watched vigilantly waiting for them to hatch. Finally, the first little eaglet emerged and my obsession grew as I watched that little gray fluff ball poke up his tiny head and beg for food and then eaglet number two broke though his shell. I have watched the daddy eagle bring food and relieve the mother for short periods of time. I worry about the second born not getting enough food because the first-born is stronger and more aggressive. Last night the third little eaglet made his arrival into the nest. So in order to justify my obsession just a little, I decided to write my Thursday thought on eagles. They truly are a reflection of the majestic and regal God who created them and speaks of them in His word.
“There are three things that amaze me – no, four things I do understand: how an eagle glides through the sky” (Proverbs 30:18, 19 NLT).
One of my favorite stories about the eagle is how he deals with approaching storms. Living in Illinois has allowed me to experience the force and destruction of the wind and springtime storms. I know from experience to take them seriously. When a storm is approaching the animals of the field and the birds of the air can sense a need for shelter and they begin to seek out a place of safety. Chickens are looking for the safety of a coop. Rabbits run for their holes. Squirrels head for their nest in a tree. But that is not true of the eagle. The eagle does not fear the storm winds that are approaching but knows that it is those very winds that will lift him above the storm. He sits quietly and watches the storm approach and he waits. The first drops of rain begin to gently fall and he waits. Then the force of the winds begin to move the tops of the trees and at just the right moment the eagle spreads his wings and catches the power of the wind to lift him upward. He glides in a spiral motion higher and higher until he is above the storm and looking down. He has not stopped the storm but has risen to a place of safety above the storm.
In God’s word we are compared to eagles. Sometimes I know I am more like the chicken scratching the ground looking for a grain of corn but God sees eagle potential in me. In my life I have gone through some fierce life storms. Just like the eagle I immediately sense the need to seek shelter and safety. I know that I am not capable of stopping the storm and I also know that I do not have to fear the storm. I have learned that the winds of adversity that Satan would use to destroy me God intends to use to strengthen me and draw me closer to Him. So when the storms of life come – and they will come – remember our friend the eagle.
1. Fear not Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
2. Wait Psalm 27:14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
3. Watch 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
4. Spread your wings and soar above the storm Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
All of us find ourselves in one of three places. We may sense a storm approaching, we may be right in the middle of a storm, or the storm clouds have passed over and the sky is clear. Regardless, we can all stand and praise our regal and majestic God and believe that we can all fly like the eagle when the storms of life come our way.
I don’t know how long the web cam will be on but if you want to check it out go to