This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Give Us Pure Hearts

    Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? 
                 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,Psalm 24:3–4  

I have read that Portland, Oregon is a destination for many ship captains.  It is 100 miles from the ocean and is not easy to reach, so why do experienced ship captains seek out this port?  Sea captains know that as they routinely go through oceans that a tiny water shellfish called a barnacle attaches itself to the hull of the ship and will stay there the rest of its life and surround itself with a rock like shell. These tiny little shellfish may at first glance appear to be beautiful.  However, as more and more barnacles attach themselves to the hull of a ship they will slow the ship down, diminish its progress, and decrease its efficiency. The removal of barnacles can take days in dry dock as the barnacles are scraped off, however, wise captains know that Portland is a fresh water harbor and that barnacles will die and fall off.  Barnacles are not able to live in sweet fresh water. 

As Christ followers we collect heart barnacles as we move through life on a daily basis.  Seemingly little hurts, little disappointments, little betrayals, wrong attitudes and many more seemingly tiny impurities attach to our hearts.  These “little sins" will slow us down, diminish our progress, and decrease our efficiency.

Jesus is our fresh water harbor.  When we enter His holiness and purity, we can ask Him to examine our hearts and reveal anything that has attacked itself to our hearts.  As we confess, our heart barnacles are removed leaving us once again with clean pure hearts.

Today I urge you to take this time to come away from the world and enter the presence of Jesus.  We cannot purify our own hearts – Jesus is the only one who can do that.  Let's enter 2013 renewed and refreshed and ready to serve free from all hindrances.  Let our prayer be give us pure hearts.