This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Him or Me?

I was just happily reading The Presence by Steve Korch.  Who knew I was about to run smack dab into a brick wall.  Taken from a fictional tale by Elisabeth Elliot with a Korch twist I read this -

"The story takes place on one of those days when Jesus was teaching some of those essential lessons of life to His core of twelve.  On this particular day, He stopped along the path and instructed the disciples to each pick up a stone and follow Him.  They all complied, selecting stones of various sizes.  Peter, not wanting to overdo things, chose one that would not be too much of a burden, more in the range of pebble than a stone.
They traveled to the top of a mountain, and there, Jesus turned the stones into bread.  Tired and very hungry, they each had food proportionate to what they had chosen to carry for the Master.  Peter would have had nothing more than a cracker for lunch that day, but John gave him some of his.
It was about a week later that Jesus repeated the stone-carrying instructions to His band of future leaders.  Now, Peter was not about to make the same mistake twice, so he heaved upon his shoulder the largest rock he could find.  He was planning to eat well that day.
Jesus led them down along shaded banks of the Jordan River, looking for just the right place to stop.  When He found it, He simply told them to throw their stones into the river.  As Peter's rock dropped from his shoulder, he stared at the Master in disbelief.  Jesus met his gaze, came close to the hungry disciple and whispered these words,
"For whom did you carry the stone?"

Why do I do the things I do for the Lord.  Is it for Him, or is it really for me?  Running into a spiritual brick wall is not always bad.  Unfortunately, sometimes it is the only way for the Lord to get my attention.  He has it today.

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