This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Little Challenge

What is faster than a speeding bullet? No not Superman. No not Mario Andretti. No not the little arm on my scales after a trip to Olive Garden. The correct answer to this deep and probing question is (drum roll please)… a hummingbird. Yes, that is the correct answer to the probing question so let your mind stop racing to find the right answer and settle in with me for just a moment on the fascinating subject of hummingbirds. Yes fascinating. You guys are really second guessing me today. Hummingbirds are only about 3 inches long. They can flap their little wings 12 – 90 times PER SECOND! Take that NASA. These little marvels travel at 25 – 30 mph and can dive bomb you at 60 mph when you get a little too close to their feeder or if you are wearing red. They are the only group of birds that can actually fly backwards. There is no distance that they won’t conquer. The ruby-throated hummingbird will migrate over 2,000 miles. Now say with me – Yes Judy these little hummingbirds are truly miraculous.

I am sure all of you have either read or heard of the book “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.” It is meant to help us stop worrying about every little thing that happens in life and not get all stressed out. Now I agree that is a very good thing. But the possibility of dismissing everything small as inconsequential is my soapbox blog for today. As an American, my mentality is that bigger is always better. McDonalds’ whole super size campaign plays into my mentality for more. No matter what I am doing for God today it could be bigger and better. I want my blog site to be more polished. I want my writing to be more creative and grammatically correct. I want bigger and better but the truth is that God is happy with my little blogspot today. Little things can be amazingly wonderful when given to God.

Hannah prayed for a son. I am sure a lot of people laughed at her meager attempt to have a child by saying a little prayer. But God heard her prayer and Samuel was born and the Bible tells us how the life of Samuel impacted the nation of Israel. Simeon and Anna were in the temple praying and watching for the Messiah and prophesied over Jesus. A small thing that probably went unnoticed by most of the people in the temple that day but to Jesus’ Father it was huge. What others might have considered the ramblings of two old people, God heard as the official proclamation of His son as Messiah.

What little thing has God asked you to do today? Not when you finish school. Not when you get your degree. Not when you have more time or more money. Not when your kids are grown. Today. I challenge you to go ahead and say that little prayer for your marriage, for your healing, for your finances and give it to into the hands of Almighty God. I challenge you to do a small act of kindness with great love today. I challenge you to call a friend, write a note, take a meal to someone, give $5 to someone who is struggling and not wait until it can be $50 or $500.

So my little challenge for you today is to do something little for the glory of God. I challenge you to give your little to Jesus and allow Him to bless it, break it, and give it to those in need and then get ready to be amazed that something so little can do so much when placed in the hands of our Lord.

Mark 6:39 -44 (The Message)Jesus got them all to sit down in groups of fifty or a hundred—they looked like a patchwork quilt of wildflowers spread out on the green grass! He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread to the disciples, and the disciples in turn gave it to the people. He did the same with the fish. They all ate their fill. The disciples gathered twelve baskets of leftovers. More than five thousand were at the supper.

Little is much when God is in it!

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