This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Which End is Up?

If the funnel represents your life, do you view your life from the little end to an ever widening expanse or is your life becoming smaller and smaller?  As I age, I am on a quest not to shrink and become smaller and smaller until I quietly disappear.  Physically that may happen because I started out at not quite 5 feet tall.  If I follow after my Grandma, you will not be able to see me behind the steering wheel in a few years, but I digress.  I am not talking about my physical stature.  I am on a quest to keep expanding and growing and evolving spiritually until the world can no longer contain me and I find myself with Jesus in the immensity of His Kingdom.  That's right - you read that sentence correctly - I am on a quest to keep expanding and growing and evolving spiritually until the world can no longer contain me and I find myself with Jesus in the immensity of His Kingdom.  As with any quest, this is not an easy task.  Society paints the picture of aging as something to be avoided like the bubonic plague.  Something to be avoided at all cost and offers botox, liposuction, hair transplants, face lifts, and 100 other ways to stay young.  Seventy million baby boomers (my generation) are predicted to go from spending $80 BILLION  dollars a year to $114 BILLION dollars a year by 2013 in order to ward off the aging process.   This may shock some of you, but society does not always get things right!

I am delighted to say that God has a different perspective all together.  From His perspective we start out small and shriveled as a newborn baby and move on from there.  The day we meet Jesus and give Him our small shriveled lives, He immediately begins to expand us in ways we never thought possible.  What if we spent our time and money developing our spiritual body? 

Instead of looking at life as a narrowing funnel, see it ever widening to choose the things we want to be, to take the wisdom we’ve learned and create something.  Liz Carpenter

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