This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

No Ordinary

It has been so long ago I truthfully cannot remember what crazy thing I did that caused my son to make the proclamation “Mom you are no ordinary,” but the title stuck. After that day when I would do something a little different, take the road less traveled, or just have a Judy moment, I would hear the chorus of “No Ordinary” from my family as they would shake their heads in disbelief. The title “No Ordinary” has never been offensive or any cause for concern to me. Actually, I kind of wear it as a badge of honor because I know that some of God’s greatest heroes would be on the “No Ordinary” list.
How many people have even heard of Josheb-Bashebeth the Takdemonite, Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite, or Shammah son of Agee for Harar? I came across them in 2 Samuel 23:8 (if you feel the need to verify that I am not just making up names) and they definitely make my top ten list of no ordinaries. The odds against Josheb-Bashebeth were 800 to 1 but he never missed a beat and defeated 800 men in one day. When everyone else turned tail and ran Eleazar stood his ground and fought until they had to actually pry his hand off his sword when the battle was done. Shammah waded right out into the middle of the battlefield and fought until the victory was won. You have probably never heard a sermon about these three men. They aren’t taught along with Noah, Moses, and David in children’s church and I don’t know any songs that make mention of them. They were ordinary men that were completely, wholeheartedly and dangerously surrendered and did EXTRAordinary things.
In the last few years we have witnessed our world rocked by earthquakes, ravaged by fire, floods, and tsunamis. We have had the images of men, women, and children dying due to starvation, disease, and war imprinted on our mind’s eye in living color on the nightly news. I think we would all say that God needs some No Ordinary Christ followers to take their stand against the evil in our world. There are those just like Josheb, Eleazar and Shammah that are risking everything right now for the cause of Christ. You will never hear a sermon preached about them. They will never have a book tour. You will never know their names but they are completely, wholeheartedly and dangerously surrendered to God and He is doing EXTRAordinary things through them.
As I admire those who are eactually on the world’s battlefronts and making a difference for the cause of Christ, I have the tendency to excuse myself as just ordinary Judy and I look at the odds of me being able to make a difference as astronomical. Common sense tells me that I can only fight so long and then I should just retreat, give up, and give in. Fear tells me it is way too risky and the cost of commitment too high and it is much safer on the edge of the battle. But the Spirit tells me No Ordinaries are actively engaged in the battle of good over evil. Odds play no part in their decision as to whether or not to confront evil but they heed only the call of God knowing the battle is fought in His strength. No Ordinaries never retreat, never give in and never give up until the victory is won. No Ordinaries are right in the middle of the battle withholding nothing. No Ordinaries are men and women just like you and me that God is using to do EXTRAordinary things.
To be called No Ordinary places me in the ranks of some of God’s greatest heroes and that is a lot to live up to. So today I cast aside fear and common sense and say to the Lord -. Judy, No Ordinary, reporting for duty. So what about you? Are you in a situation where the odds are against you, you have been waging war for a long time and feel like giving up, or you find yourself right in the middle of the biggest battle of your life and wonder if it would be safer just to get out of the eye of the storm and move to the edge -welcome to the ranks of the No Ordinaries. Some of God’s finest. It is time to be completely, wholeheartedly, and dangerously surrendered to God and then expect Him to do EXTRAordinary things in and through you.
Romans 12:2 (The Message) So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

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