This is my journey to completely, wholeheartedly, and unashamedly give control of my life to Jesus.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crazy Trippy Things

Recently in my life, I have experienced many "crazy trippy things".  It started happening shortly after my relationship with God had gotten stronger.  I then realized that things were signs left by God, to tell me that He was there for me, and watching me.  Now many skeptics may believe these "signs" are just coincidence and don’t think anything of such events.  Although, when going into the day with the mindset that God is always there, many new possibilities will open up.  This is because of the simple fact that once you let God into your life, you will not only be much happier, but He will let His presence be known.  The first thing that happened to me was a simple, common problem.  I had lost my phone.   After about an hour of frustration, I exclaimed "please God just let me find my phone".  Immediately, I heard something under my recliner -- I had already checked under it several times.  I went to go check it out, and there it was, it had dropped right out from the bottom of the recliner.  Now I realize that this may not be a very profound event, but all that follows in such a short time frame, is worth thinking about.  Just the very next day, I had finals.  I had struggled in my Spanish class all year (I had been taking a higher level Spanish class).  I prayed before the test, not expecting help from God, but just asking and sure enough, the "butterflies" in my stomach went away, my clammy hands loosened up, and I became incredibly focused.  I felt as if I had super powers.  I ended up getting a good grade on the test bringing me to a C in the class.  A couple of days into summer, I was at work with my buddy, landscaping.  I had just received my payment when on my way home I realized it had fallen out.  Most people at that point would freak out.  They would frantically retrace their steps.  Instead, I let out a sigh, gave a small prayer, and calmly walked back with my friend, almost immediately after I had prayed, the money was in the middle of the sidewalk lying as if it was a present.   Now I am at my grandmothers, now those of you who know my grandmother (Judy) know that she is a bird fanatic.  She had recently acquired some orioles on her land and they hadn’t visited in quite some time.  She had told us about how she wanted them to come back.  The first thought that popped into my head was "they are back", that was followed by many others including "why did I think that?", and "how do I know?” I hadn’t seen them, and to this day I still haven’t.  I didn’t say anything so i wouldn’t get my grandmothers hopes up in case the orioles wouldn’t have come back, but almost immediately my grandmother exclaimed "the orioles, the orioles".  And I knew, it wasn’t just some random thought, it was reassurance, AKA a sign that God is watching over me. In Matthew 14:31 it states “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  I thought that this related to me and the orioles.  I should not have doubted the presence of God, just as all of the people in the world that say "God just give me a sign" should not deter from the many signs that He gives them.  Overall, in life, you are not to ignore what you are given, so why would you ignore God's "signs".

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